Dear Readers,
Well, this is quite the trifecta.
I wrote this a few days earlier than Oct 22 – but I will be living this trifecta moment as this email goes out.
As you receive this letter, three amazing things are happening in this community all at the same time.

1) Global From Asia turns 6 years old. Domain registered exactly six years ago at DCBKK after an inspiring talk by Dan Andrews that everyone in this room should start a podcast, and if someone picked Hong Kong business as the topic they’d be full time on it in a year.
2) Cross Border Summit day 1 is happening – I’ll be opening the event talking about these 3 things. This is our fourth annual event and it is in Guangzhou, China with a top level group of people from around the world.
3) Ecommerce Gladiator book is launched – my fourth book is alive. We have kept up the community with the development of the business and I had to put it all into a book. Autographed and print copies for those at CBS 2019, but …
A gift for you:
We are giving it away FREE on Amazon Kindle right now. For a couple days, grab this chance to download it free and be entertained with the story, while also learning some insights and lessons you can apply to your own eCommerce business.
Thank you for reading this newsletter.
Thank you for reading the book.
It really is nothing without you – and I genuinely hope you can celebrate this trifecta moment with me and the Global From Asia community today.
Wish you all the success – I know we are all going through some trying times right now with the global trade war and social unrest. It is these times when we learn what our strengths our.
Let us all be gladiators in the arena,
Here’s that link for the limited time FREE kindle book of Ecommerce Gladiator.
CBS Speakers of the week:
For this week, we will be featuring 6 speakers who will complete the speaker lineup for the Fourth Annual Cross Border Summit on October 22 – 23, 2019 in Guangzhou, China. Click on their photos for their full profiles.
For the full speaker lineup of Cross Border Summit 2019 on October 22-23, 2019 in Guangzhou, China, you can check it out here.
See you there!