Dear Readers,
With just a few weeks to go until our fourth annual Cross Border Summit, our email box has been full with the 20+ speakers, the confirmed attendees, the organizing team, and all the insanity from media and PR.
Focusing on the event itself, we have amazing lineup of speakers and content – one of my favorites (sorry to pick favorites, but it isn’t really picking between my son or daughter here!) is Danny McMillan.

I have gotten to know Danny over the years since meeting him in April 2016. Always a positive influence in the seller community, based in London UK – he has built up an amazing podcast and community at Seller Sessions.
He spoke at our third annual summit in Shenzhen last year and was extremely well received by the attendees. Not only as a speaker, but also hosted panels, and really engaged with the attendees and other speakers. A true giver and contributor to the community at large, Danny puts others first – from his online content to those he meets to the sellers he works with.
Even myself as a seller, I have been on his Seller Sessions podcast and in real time he gave amazing tips for our Amazon brand at Sisitano and insights on how to boost traction and ranking.
So without needing to say, I am confident he will be a true giver at the Cross Border Summit. His first time to attend and speak at an event in Guangzhou – and his third time to China in total.
His topic will be on maximizing your sales during Black Friday and Cyber Monday- and Mark Ramos and I, as organizers, are on calls and emails with him now reviewing and preparing for his speech – which we know will be a winner.
He specifically picked to be on day 1, speaker 2 – feeling that the morning sessions are when everyone is up and ready for the content.
But you know my favorite part?
Is making the connections. Bringing a Brit like Danny to China and connecting him with 8 figure sellers like Wilson Blues (we talked about in a previous newsletter) and seeing the massive bridging of opportunities in 2 worlds, that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
It happens at every event we have done. Cross border connections, cross border deals.
This time we are preparing in advance even more. Those who have registered I am talking to already and we are making sure this has the biggest impact of any of our events.
Thank you Danny – for always giving to the community, putting others first, and providing massive value.
I’m so excited to bring such amazing people together – we just prepared this little video to preview some of the many speakers coming:
See you there!
Know the latest from Global From Asia:
CBS Speaker of the week:
For this week, we will be featuring Marc Roca, President of Alpha Rock Capital, who will be speaking in the Fourth Annual Cross Border Summit on October 22 – 23, 2019 at Guangzhou, China. Check Marc’s full profile here. Check out Marc’s full profile.
For the full speaker lineup of Cross Border Summit 2019 on October 22-23, 2019 in Guangzhou, China, you can check it out here.
How to buy CBS2019 tickets?
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See you there!