Newsletter: Don’t Make This Mistake By Shipping a Family Heirloom From China

Dear Global Business Enthusiast,

Michael Michelini (@michelini) here. You’re getting this email because you requested my periodic thoughts on international business from Hong Kong.

[Edit: Actually, it’s possible that you’ve never gotten an email from me. Somebody might have just given you the link to this page, which is an online archive of an email that I sent to folks who had asked for it. If you’d like to get articles like this in your inbox, totally free, about once a week or two, give me your email address.]
Umbrella and toilet paper sharing, kindergarten vans, shipping nightmares, just another weekly newsletter here from Global From Asia.

On the hunt again for English language kindergarten for Miles this week, in the range of $10,000 USD a year. Motivation to keep working harder.

The trade show season is over and I, as well as many others I’ve been chatting to, have been catching up on much needed rest. I enjoyed collecting this week’s news – so many amazing things

Any meeting with Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, anywhere in the world, would be – if it ever actually happened – one of the most dramatic events of the 21st century thus far

Why Hong Kong is a city in decline
Regina lp says the city’s past success has made us blind to how much – and how fast – others are improving, not least the mainland and its embrace of technology and the new economy. Hong Kong has fallen behind simply by standing still

Welcome back Andre, we missed you in Hong Kong – and he has found some great news this week! All 4 of these are found by @AndreMartin

I wonder what’s the record:
Chinese police find 36 school pupils and two adults packed into seven-seat vanUnlicensed driver of unregistered van was also the kindergarten owner and lol, the driver has no license, no insurance, and is also the kindergarten boss..
Via Andre Martin

Matt Brennan had a good Tweet:
#UmbrellaSharing Startups Also Popping Up Across China

Guy ships $1 million antique heirloom by express courier, has major regrets

Share a square?!?[video] Mashable found this shocking…facial recognition to get a piece of toilet paper!
A park in Beijing is issuing toilet paper rotations. Toilet paper rotations!

Global From Asia News

This week;s podcast – people enjoy the “coming to China” stories and we have Michael Mcgillicudy, who did a great job performing at the Cross Border Summit on the guitar, share his business and personal story moving to Mainland

How To Keep Your Supplier Motivated, Guest post from Kevin Lee, offers his perspectives on how to make your suppliers motivated in a long term.

Introducing Global From Asia Experts platform : Become a Global From Asia Chapter by organizing an event or run a workshop yourself

And to start off the new experts platform, we have Meir Simhi’s full day, Amazon Leverage workshop is on May 19th, in Shenzhen, China.

Market Listing of the Week

Want to find out if your factory is loyal or just saying things you want to hear? Try out ngsdirect’s online Secret Buyer Service and see what they have to offer.

Job of The Week

Have a passion for marketing whether it’s online or offline? IMEX Sourcing is looking for a Marketing Apprentice to join their team. Check it out.

Video of the Week

Are you a lover or a fighter? I visited a “fight club” in Shenzhen and dug into an upcoming White Collar Fight Night competition coming soon.

Sent May 11, 2017

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I’d love to hear from you!

– Michael Michelini
mike @
Hong Kong


Michael Michelini

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American internet entrepreneur in China, Asia, and Hong Kong. Helping companies do business globally from Asia

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