Newsletter: English Speaking Police in Shanghai Found Him

Dear Global Business Enthusiast,

Michael Michelini (@michelini) here. You’re getting this email because you requested my periodic thoughts on international business from Hong Kong.

[Edit: Actually, it’s possible that you’ve never gotten an email from me. Somebody might have just given you the link to this page, which is an online archive of an email that I sent to folks who had asked for it. If you’d like to get articles like this in your inbox, totally free, about once a week or two, give me your email address.]
This week: English speaking Chinese cops, Apple workers in China selling data, DIY convertibl­es & more

Pulse Number 126

Lots of wild news this week to report. Typhoon came through earlier this week but I’m just looking forward to my “cheat day” on Saturday and have some ice cream with my kids.

Chinese are famous for their cheating techniques during the exams.
Now, does it surprise you that they start to use drones to try to stop the cheating? Actually the main body of this article is in Hebrew but I guess this headlines tell us all, did it? (Google Translate does a good job)
China Uses New Drones To Stop Cheating In Exams

Another thing that you probably will laugh about Chinese is, what we would call, “rent a white guy” culture. Now white people are more popular in China than ever before.
“White people wanted”: a peek into China’s booming ‘rent a foreigner’ industry
BTW: Don’t want an English teaching job?
Global From Asia has a job board where lots of English speaking jobs (not English teaching jobs are offered).

Maybe it’s all the KFC in China?
China has largest number of obese children in world, says study – South China Morning Post
Via Andre Martin

[video] Traffic cop scolds foreigner in English after catching him running red light on scooter [photo] Our top contributo­r of the newsletter­, Andre Martin, got himself a rainbow colored unicorn (twin peaks reference)

Considerin­g settling down here after a couple of years being a tenant in HK?
Well, like everywhere else in the world, housing is one of the biggest investment in someone’s life time. But here in HK, it seems even harder.. Check out the skyrocketi­ng price and cooling measures here, you will see why.
Hong Kong developers use wads of cash to skirt mortgage rules and salvage sales
My buddy Doug Pierce is complainin­g to me about rents constantly going up.

China uncovers massive undergroun­d network of Apple employees selling customers’ personal data

I hear quite a lot of complaints about HK lately.
But the charm of HK still makes it one of the most fascinatin­g cities in the world. Will HK strive or slowly die? What are your guy’s thought on this?
Rancour and division inevitable in Hong Kong, a city not at peace with itself

Let’s lighten things up a bit
I have friends who are proud to be called Tu Hao (meaning is slang for “rich farmer”)
Shared bikes now available in extremely tacky ‘tuhao gold’ in Shanghai – Shanghaiis­t
via Andre Martin

I think this is a pretty slick idea – only a 400rmb fine!
Chinese man fined for cutting roof off car to make it look like convertibl­e
Input from Andre Martin: “they truly never stop surprising with new cringe-worthy ideas”

From the Global From Asia Media Desk

This week’s podcast we have Rick Tang from thinkrace.­com. He is a true entreprene­ur, been chipping away at his current business since at least 2008. Today he shares with us how he built his business by finding the right technology workers in China, managing the team, cashflow, times he has real estate finance issues, and more ups and downs of the roller coaster of business.
Check it out

A ton of people ask us about import duties to Hong Kong, and we give as much as we can today

Global From Asia Experts Meetup

This time Matthew Brennan will be in town for TechCrunch­’s first ever event in Shenzhen and then he will share his expert knowledge in a personal WeChat marketing training workshop hosted by Global From Asia.

Market Listing of the Week

Want to verify if you factory can actually do what they claim? Insight Quality Services does just that (and more) with this listing on our GFA Market  

Job of The Week

Currenxie, innovative cross-border currency conversion platform is looking for a bilingual sales consultant­, apply here

Video of the Week
Who are your true hero? We talk about it in Mike’s Blog 106


We had a great member’s call earlier today with VK sharing his Chinese cross-border e-commerce business. Join in our membership and start connecting with others today!

Sent June 15, 2017

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– Michael Michelini
mike @
Hong Kong


Michael Michelini

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American internet entrepreneur in China, Asia, and Hong Kong. Helping companies do business globally from Asia

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