Dear Global Business Enthusiast,
Michael Michelini (@michelini) here. You’re getting this email because you requested my periodic thoughts on international business from Hong Kong.
[Edit: Actually, it’s possible that you’ve never gotten an email from me. Somebody might have just given you the link to this page, which is an online archive of an email that I sent to folks who had asked for it. If you’d like to get articles like this in your inbox, totally free, about once a week or two, give me your email address.]We’re in an interesting time right now – between solar and lunar new year holidays. How has your start to 2017 been so far? For me, it has been intense, a lot going on, and I’m excited to let you know about our new:
Global From Asia “flagship” course.
Many of you have asked how I manage all these projects, all this content, and business between time zones and countries. This course is answering those questions and more.
We dive deep into three main themes:
1. Personal Mindset – getting you on the right frame of mind. For me – I skipped over this part for many years while just grinding in the business, but having this set up “formatting your brain” correctly – especially for the “wild word” of international business, is critical to dealing with stress and pressure. Then we dive deep into personal tools to help manage your daily workflow as a million things are happening.
2. Business Structure – once you get through “formatting your mind” in the first module, we go into the foundations of organizing your business. Again, this is something I kind of skipped past in many of my previous enterprises only to wish I started here earlier. What are some good tools for managing an online team, or a team in general, paired up with systems to keep things running like a machine. Because yes, you want the business to become a machine, a well oiled machine to grow.
3. International expansion and focus – Once you get the two above pillars done, you will be a “lean, mean business machine” and we will go over how to tweak the system. Where you should have the company(ies) setup, finding ways to expand business lines that are working, and creative ways to find strategic partners and spin off non-core assets. Again, while we may want to skip directly to this third module, I purposely have the first two there to ensure we are operating correctly.
The way I am doing this program is an 8 week program. We are doing it together!
Each week, I will provide you with new parts of the course, and you can login and get these video courses at that time.
Now, for the cool part (at least I think it’s cool!) – we will have checkins every two weeks. So over these 8 weeks, you have the chance to dial in to discuss with me 4 times on the progress of the training. Because I want to engage with you, follow along, and ensure things are going smooth.
I truly believe this program can help business people at all stages – but specifically those with businesses already. Because so many times, we get caught up in the day to day, we don’t step back and do an analysis.
Join me on this program, learn new tactics for being a more effective business – as an individual, as a manager, and as an international expansion boss!
The price of this course will never be this low again, and it will be closing on Jan 25 until the next program.
Check our Global From Asia Flagship Course Now
So take a serious look and I will “see you on the inside”.
Enjoy lunar new year, and I’ll see you in 2 weeks (I’m taking next week off for Chinese New Year, digital detox as they call it).
Sent Jan 19, 2017
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– Michael Michelini
mike @
Hong Kong