Global From Asia
November 27, 2020
Dear Global Business Enthusiast,
Most of us in the ecommerce world are scrambling to fulfill orders for the coming Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But, it is not just about selling and earning money.
It is about being thankful.
When those Europeans sat down with the Native Americans to eat corn and turkey, the meaning of this holiday was this:
To be grateful for what we have.
This year, I am truly grateful for an amazing team who has helped get me and the company through one of the craziest years in our lifetime.
I’m grateful for my strong wife who helped me get back home to China just before the borders closed. I’m grateful too, for my kids who are learning and growing.
And, I’m grateful to you, for reading this email. I know we are all so overloaded with emails so, thank you for opening and reading it all the way to this point.
We have another “woo woo” category podcast this week. It was one that just so happened to have been posted before Thanksgiving. Brandon Mehrgut, the founder of Modern Mindfulness shares what I would consider a free coaching session in audio and video form.
He’s been coaching me on improving my meditation and mindfulness and seriously, I have become more clear minded in my fight again the human’s “monkey mind”.
So I truly hope this episode can have some positive effects on you.
It is available both in video and audio form so, check it out today.

Mindfulness and meditation is not just something you would call a “woo woo”. Exceptional business leaders in today’s stressful environment use it to stay focused. So I recommend taking this seriously as I wish I did decades ago.
Have a grateful rest of your day!

Mike Michelini
November 27, 2020