Dear Global Business Enthusiast,
Michael Michelini (@michelini) here. You’re getting this email because you requested my periodic thoughts on international business from Hong Kong.
[Edit: Actually, it’s possible that you’ve never gotten an email from me. Somebody might have just given you the link to this page, which is an online archive of an email that I sent to folks who had asked for it. If you’d like to get articles like this in your inbox, totally free, about once a week or two, give me your email address.]Walmart not doing so good in China, after years saying they’re doing great.
With so many people eating alone, a new anti-lonely restaurant opens in Hong Kong
Visiting Hong Kong For Holidays? A great Holiday guide in Hong Kong
Declining Chinese economy means government “taxman” looking for unpaid taxes (link broken – chinaherald .net/2014/12/the-china-taxman-cometh-wei-gu.html )
Hong Kong’s hidden rooftop slums
Harvesting of Organs from Executed Chinese Prisoners to be banned in 2015
Blogger friend Sarah Li Cain wrote up an article listing out reasons why Hong Kong is the right place to center your business
VIDEO (via Chris Moore) – Hong Kong girls in short shirts become creative smugglers
Til next time,
Mike @michelini
Photo of the week: I got my son, Miles, on the podcast this week, I love being a daddy!
Have news you want me to include? Please reply and send them over, I’ll review and decide to include in next week’s send.
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Sent Tue, Dec 16, 2014 09:00 pm
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I’d love to hear from you!
– Michael Michelini
mike @
Hong Kong